Classified ads sites in Nigeria

For you not using classified ads sites, you are losing potential clients online, and you may not know it. Classified ads sites are special websites built for an average business man or woman who has something relevant or irrelevant to sell. You can post contents and upload images of whatever you deem fit to be sold online, promotion goes automatically through several mediums online or offline, making it possible for visitors and possible clients to see. 

Here are the list of sites you might want to try your business products and services on: 
  2. is new but ranks among the best as it offers the opportunity for users to post ads simply to users on an easy to use platform and is completely free for those who want to use the free service. One more interesting thing about is that users are guaranteed that what they see are verified by the site management making it safe for users who visit the site to buy. The management of the site also works round the clock to ensure that ads are served to those that need it by advertising the site on Radio, offline through printing of flyers and banners. You are ensured of exposure for whatever you advertise on This site has been welcome in Nigeria as one of the best. Important posts are also served on
  4. This site has been noticed recently and working round the clock to advertise the site using AdWords to serve ads. Their services has been the same as offered by and the so far have not failed. Users of the site are enjoying the site.
  6. This is another classified ads site that has stood the test of time in Nigeria. Like other classified ads site, it offers services free for users. They also like have many categories allowing users to post ads to as many people as they like. It’s also simple to use and ranks very well. 
  8. This site has a simple interface and looks good to the eye. Like who claims the top spot for its simplicity and style of delivery and user engagement, the site does not fail in this category. 
  10. Mobofree is also simple to use and offers other services like sports news and some other news they find interesting to their users. 
In all they all have their different likeness that will appeal to their users. These sites have helped many users to offer up there products and services for sales at no cost at all, without having to own a physical location.

All one needs is credibility and you can use these free offerings via these sites to promote/market your products and services. There will always be the premium services offered by these sites, you can always subscribe for one as a trial. These allow your ads to go on the top of the site for a specified period of time.