Making your internet faster could be a difficult challenge if you have an infected network. This will serve you a purpose if your network is not infected with viruses, spams or bots. For an Infected network environment, please follow this link.
Your Internet speed depends on your subscription with your Internet service provider (ISP) and comes with their own DNS server configuration. This DNS configured on your network is always good for a few PC in your network, suppose it is basically a home network.
Domain Name Servers (DNS) are very crucial in your network internet configuration in that every Personal Computer (PC) consistently request for domain names via their browsers constantly with constant use of emails, social media platforms, search engines and research websites.
By having your internet faster, you presume that every PC request from the DNS should be responded within 0 -1 msec which is almost impossible for most DNS cause of the distance of many servers from the physical location.
There are thousand of DNS server all around the world with bits and pieces of all the domain names database but thirteen (13) root DNS that contains all the databases on each server. The very popular ones like google dns ( and Opendns ( are free for use from any part of the world and known to be quite effective and very recursive.
Your router plays a very important role in choosing DNS server to be used for the network and this is where the best alternative to the ISP DNS server is replaced to help resolve domain name faster and make websites available in due time.
For larger network environments, private DNS servers can be built with cache to help hold these databases with the time to live features which allow quicker name resolution for individual computers as well as limit the bandwidth usage from your ISP.
Please visit this link for recent updated 2017 free DNS Servers you can use to help make your internet faster via DNS.