How to get a working Windows ISO file

Windows ISO file are for sale and in no way free for use unlike its counterpart on the Linux versions. Getting a windows ISO file simply means you must have purchased the license to use it as well. In this day and age anyways, many people have devised means to get this file in the easiest. sneakiest way they could and even get it to work without an approved license from Microsoft; bad though but it really works you know.
In this version, i will expose two diverse different ways to get this ISO file for your personal use and as a newbie, you might want to try something else first before you graduate to using the originals. These two diverse ways are simply;
  1. Genuine Acquisition
  2. Backdoor Acquisition


Visit a Windows approved Store in your area to get genuine Windows, it could be Windows 10, 8, 7, vista or XP for your personal use. You can as well get other windows products like the windows servers, password reset tools and default installation CD as well for specific brand of laptops, desktops and what have you
With the availability of the online shops in this day and age, you can visit the windows website to get your ISO version of the software and use any of the tools you know best to either convert into a USB pen-drive boot able or a CD/DVD utility tool.


I stumbled on a website that helped with a list of as much versions of windows you might be interested in downloading. You might want to visit this link to get a lot more easy and free download for your test analysis on what windows ISO file is like and what more you can do with them.
Personally, i will not recommend this way to go with the downloads, as many websites do not have the capability to hold good files for long. They either get corrupt or maybe get infected with something; virus, worms or whatever it might be.
I will suggest you get to understand an easier way to transfer and receive data online called Torrents. With the use of torrents, you can get any version of file you seek online as long as you have the access to the internet and can locate the right file that has been verified, with a lot of peers working through getting a copy of that Torrent file.


After you get the file from torrents, you are left with a full ISO version of windows and most times it comes with a lot more advantaged tools that you might have to discover for yourself. It has been said that for one to be a student of living, you must actually live, for you to get to know the rigors of these tutorials, you must be a practical person with the zeal to get the hands on awareness of what might or might not ensue.